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About SSS Company

Chances are the year 1826 doesn’t strike a deep historical chord in most Americans. But to the people at the S.S.S. Company, it’s one of the most significant dates in history. For it was in 1826 that the mighty Creek Indians bequeathed a treasured remedy of theirs, now known as S.S.S. Tonic, to Captain Irwin Dennard of Perry, Georgia as a reward for having saved the life of one of their Chieftains. Captain Dennard sold the formula to Colonel Charles T. Swift who also lived in Perry, Georgia. Colonel Swift formed a partnership with Colonel H.J. Lamar of Macon, Georgia to bottle and sell the Tonic. In 1873, Colonel H.J. Lamar, foreseeing Atlanta as the Metropolis of the south, the manufacturer of S.S.S. Tonic was moved to Atlanta. According to the Companys’ History, the S.S.S. stood for Swift’s Southern Specific in the earlier years.

From this storybook-like beginning, The S.S.S. Company was born. Now it’s the oldest non-prescription drug manufacturer in the country. After operating for more than one hundred plus years with only one product, S.S.S. Tonic, the company became diversified. Today, S.S.S.   Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, Pfeiffer Pharmaceuticals, Inc., markets over one hundred products.   The company will continue to develop and promote new products to meet the healthcare needs of people as their desires change.

Much of the company’s growth can be attributed to an enduring family pride in the products... and what finer tribute could be paid to any company than it has contributed, literally, to the very lifeblood of America?